Thursday, October 16, 2008


Having friends, finding new friendships and friendly relationships is an important developmental task for preteens and teens.

Class 2 had a 90 minute lesson on FRIENDSHIP. As a pre-reading activity for "Friends will be Friends" text, they were asked to finish one of the following sentences, expressing their own ideas on the subject:


They've come up with some pretty interesting ideas. Have a look:

"A friend is someone whom you can tell your secrets", Érica

"A friend is someone we can count on, someone that laughs with you and is always by your side to show you the right way", Dúnia

"A friend is someone I admire. When I'm feeling really bad, he helps me, sings for me and tells jokes.", Inês

"A friend is someone I can trust, someone who helps me, makes me laugh and cry.", Fábio Ribeiro

"A friend is someone we can tell a secret.", Carla Biage

"A friend is someone who helps in the bad moments and laughs with me in the good moments"

"A friend is someone we can trust", David

"A friend is someone who helps me out in the most difficult moments, he is someone I can trust.", Bruno

"A firend is someone that helps you, understands you, talks to you and shares your thoughts with you", Henrique


Anonymous said...

Os textos estão Muiito giros +.+
Gostei dessa aula (:

Anonymous said...

ola, stora eu não escrevi so isso você esqueceu-se!

Axx: Fábio Ribeiro

Anonymous said...

Está muito giro... agora sou eu a dizer o que é um amigo para mim:

A friend:
is someone who trust me and is someone who I can trust;
is someone who help me when I need;
is someone who gives me some suport;
is someone honest and understanding;
is someone that shows the reality to me...

If you do all of these things for the people feel better…



ANA 9º5ª

Anonymous said...

Está muito giro... agora sou eu a dizer o que é um amigo para mim:

A friend:
is someone who trust me and is someone who I can trust;
is someone who help me when I need;
is someone who gives me some suport;
is someone honest and understanding;
is someone that shows the reality to me...

If you do all of these things for the people feel better…



ana 9º5ª

Isa said...

Ana 9º 5ª,

Here is the correction:

A friend is someone I trust and trusts me;

A friend is someone who helps me when I need;

A friend is someone who supports me

A friend is someone who shows me reality ...

If you do all these things, people will feel better...

Ana 9º 5ª, thank you for your comment!

Anonymous said...

Inglês é buéé FIXE ! :'D
Mas ás vezes as aulas CANSAM !
além disso a stora as vezes nãão me liga -.-'
Gostu das actividades qe fazemos ..